My Actual goal of the campaign: is to change or overthrow the Current regime of Egypt and their new President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. By targeting the biggest American company that invests in Egypt, and why targeting the American investment not other because of the following:
– Egypt has been an important country for U.S. national security interests for reasons attributed to its geography, demography, and diplomatic posture. From a geostrategic standpoint, Egypt controls the Suez Canal, through which 8% of all global maritime shipping passes annually. America is the biggest support to Egypt On the following aspects: $1.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) – $200 million in Economic Support Funds; and over $7 million for other security assistance programs, including International Military Education and Training, International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, and Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs. And Egypt as a country without American aid, they will be in real disaster. Yes Egypt has the gulf countries aid, but the problem is Gulf aid is notconsistent as America aid which is every year since 1979, when Egypt struck a peace treaty with Israel.
My stated Goal of the campaign: is to affect Egypt economy, it will be the one influential ways to change the current government. By affecting the economy of Egypt, that means a lot of protests against the government, also questioning the government ability to improve the Egyptians people way of living, because this is one of the most important things to Egyptian people, one of the most important things of the Arab spring that led to change of the regime
especially in Egypt, people is living in less than normal life and some are living worse. The main thing that why I want to change the current regime Egypt, because what happen after the Arab Spring and the Egypt revolution against President Hosni Mubarak that lead the country from 1981 to 2011. Egypt had a new president Mohamed Morsi that had been elected by the Egyptian people, but since the Gulf countries and America did not like the new president Mohamed Morsi they started to get ready for planning to overthrow him, because he was a member in the Brotherhood Party. The Gulf country also was afraid that president Mohamed Morsi will maybe start to bullied new relation with Iran in contrast of the former President Hosni Mubarak. President Morsi was unseated on 3 July 2013 by a military coup council consisting of Defense Minister Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, which is later after the military coup will become the president of Egypt and he will resign from Defense Minister and all this happen with blessing from Gulf Countries and America administration. And I think this is was not fair.
to make APACHE CORPORATIONdivest from Egypt because it’s one of the biggest American company that invest at Egypt since 1994.
My Primary Target: is APACHE CORPORATION, which is an American Oil Company that invests in Egypt, I need you to look for the following:
1-why is APACHE CORPORATION impotent to Egypt, I need you to look for numbers, what is Egypt worth by % to the APACHE CORPORATION.
2-Evaluate the company and see how much they will lose if they divest from Egypt. You need to analysis the company numbers, profits, loses,revenue, Exports
3- Also look for how are they dealing with Unrest after the revolution.
Some hint for the primary targets:
1- I need to find the recent (Annual Report) of the Company you will find it on the ( and then put the company name on the search area which is (APACHE CORPORATION) or you can do it much easier if you just put the Ticker symbol of the company which is (APA), the I want you to look for the fallowing;
a- I need to look in the (10-K) which is basically the annual report you might find 1 or 2 10-K but I need you to look for the most recent one, and you will find the date beside every one. Than after you read the 10-K documents I need you to write 6 pages comprehensive profile of the company. Look for how Egypt worth as a percentage of the total company investment. And also look for the biggest 5 or 6 shareholders on the company, and also 4 to 5 the smallest shareholders of the company, and when you do it write it, put it by percentages and number. And also look for the key stuff that will help the main goal of the campaign.
My Strategy or the Message: is how to convince the individual or the Group or company that My stated Goalis good for them or it will benefits them somehow. And I will explain to you what I have in mind so far, so you can build to it.
– I looked into and I put the company name which is APACHE CORPORATION and I found a documents under the name of ( NO ACT ) under the filings column and the date of 2015-02-05.
– In this document you see the following:
– 5 shareholder raised proposal submitted to Apache by 1- the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, 2- the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund, 3- the New York City Teachers’ Retirement System, 4- the New York City Police Pension Fund and 5- the New York City Board of Education Retirement System. And it was put in No Act which mean they rejected the 5 shareholders proposal.
And I found it a good a opportunity for me to convinces these 5 shareholders and to help each other to achieve their goal and to help in my campaign. And there is only two ways for me to get my proposal campaign into the shareholders meeting and they can vote on the proposal to divest from Egypt. First way is to buy shares in the company and the 2nd way is to find shareholder and convince them or him to Display my proposal on the meeting by them so they will vote on it, and the annual meeting happen every may of every year.
So my strategy is to get these 5 shareholders on my side and to convince them that we have Common interests. How will you do that you need to look for main person, because all the shareholders on the proposal have a common thing that they are all in New York and when I look on the internet for the Board of trustees I found that Scott M. Stringer the Comptroller of the City of New York is a member of all of them and the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio but he is not in all of them.
What I need from you to do after reading all of my information I have for the Strategy, is to do the Fallowing:
– How to convince the shareholders to adopt my campaign what is it good for them.
– How to convince the important people on theses shareholders like Bill de Blasio the mayor of New York city or Scott M. Stringer the Comptroller of New York Cityto help me with my campaign, see what are they trying to achieve in the city but they found it hard or look maybe they want to elect them self for something, you need to search deep if there is something that I can help them to achieve so they can help me back.
Since the goal of the campaign is to divest from Egypt, there is a lot of Arab and Muslim population in New York that somehow can play a role,
Also there is some economic analysis that said and still saying that APACHE CORPORATION has to divest from Egypt because of the political unrest experienced in Egypt could be a problem for the company’s future endeavors. Also A recent killing by carjackers of an employee of Apache Corporation raised questions over the validity of the company’s security measures.
My TACTICS to achieve the campaign: What are the various tactics that will be employed as part of the campaign, such as:
o MOBILIZING: How will the campaign demonstrate an intensity of commitment from key
constituencies, and if necessary create a sense of crisis that requires action?
o MESSAGING: Draft two versions of the campaign’s key popular message, the “soundbite”
version in 5 words or less, and the “framing” version in 20 words or less.
o INTERVENING: What processes are already in motion, and which allow the campaign to
intervene into a pre-existing story or narrative or legal process to accomplish its goal?
These are some materials that might be useful: