American Indian Religion and Philosophy
June 24, 2020
history of modern architceture
June 24, 2020

Adventure with 2 folks

Adventure with 2 folks

Order Description
Imagine you have just finished your MBA. You have two months until your next career adventure is due to start and have decided to go on a cross-country automobile trip. You can afford to invite two fellow travelers. Who (can be people alive or historical figures) would you take with you and why? (1500 characters maximum) *

Answer should revolve around this:
One day in college I was travelling with my room mate when some crushed into my car from behind, i was angry and shocked and started being overly dramatic. The driver of the other car was also obviously shocked and apologetic. Nana my roommate was very calm and very empathic. Started analysing the situation and in the end we were able to find out about how much the repair will cost. I was particularly impressed with Nana’s calm nature and empathy showed. I have over the years learnt a lot from Nana. He is one I would like on my adventure.
The second person will be my wife. Who knows my strength and weakness but still believes in me and able to encourage me in the hard time and so able to push me to be where my capabilities will get me.