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October 20, 2020
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October 21, 2020

Advanced Nursing

The prepared advanced nurse is expected to demonstrate readership, leadership, high-level competence and role-modelling skills in the nursing profession. As such, the prepared advanced nurse must show guidance to the other members of the nursing profession in all the fields of the nursing practice. Preparing an advanced practice nurse aims at producing a qualified advanced nurse who will competently lead in nursing research, clinical competence, nursing education, client advocacy, teamwork, nursing consultation, change management, professional growth and other aspects aimed at advancing the nursing profession. Additionally, the prepared advanced nurse must portray high-level advocacy of the nursing profession, and demo

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Researcher:

clinical decision-making, as well as utilize the current research findings to answer clinical questions.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Collaborator:

The professional role of a prepared nurse in the masters programme is to collaborate with all the other members of the health profession, in order to promote teamwork and the continuity of care (AACN, 2011, P. 22). Since an advanced nurse under the masters programme is expected to be a leader in the health promotion and clinical prevention, one has a role to interprofessinal collaboration. Through patient-focused care, the advanced nurse is expected to understand the patient preferences, values and the cultural background. Since it is through collaboration that such issues are shared, the advanced practice nurse has to promote collaboration, as a way of realizing the patient care goals (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013). Lastly, the advanced practice nurse is mandated in promoting the health of populations, and community health promotion. In order to achieve this objective efficiently, the nurse has to shine in the collaborative role. collaboration enhances the realization of desirable clinical outcomes.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Clinician:

As a clinician, the master’s prepared nurse has a role to demonstrate scientific, advanced, evidence-based practice in the care of the patients. The nurse has a role to demonstrate high-level competence in advanced health and physical assessment, clinical decision-making and sound clinical thinking skills. In addition, the master’s prepared nurse has the role of demonstrating high-level competence in all the aspects of patient care, including performing risk assessment, identifying the correct diagnostic testing, and establishing a differential diagnosis that is in line with the assessment data. Further AACN (2011) indicates that the master’s prepared advanced nurse has the role of demonstrating competence in understanding advanced physiology and pathophysiology of patients. Lastly, in the treatment and management of the assessed patient, the master’s prepared advanced nurse has the role of demonstrating high-level skills in advanced pharmacology. The graduate should have a good grasp advanced pharmacological principles to the cellular level, which promotes efficient care of the patients.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Consumer Advocate:

In the clinical setting, the nurse has a role to ensure that the rights of the patients are upheld by all the stakeholders, especially because the patient may be very weak to champion for their rights, or they are ignorant of their rights in the hospital setting (Stanley, 2010).

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Manager of Systems:

As a manager of healthcare systems, AACN (2011) records that the advanced nurse has a role to understand the healthcare delivery system, and assume a leadership role in the system. The nurse, therefore, should demonstrate a high-level understanding of the integrated healthcare systems, managed care systems, their totality and should fit into the system, in order to contribute positively to the sustenance of the stability of the system. In essence, the advanced nurse, as prepared in the master’s programme, has a role to provide healthcare in all the delivery system, as well as, to provide leadership in the care delivery systems.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Consultant.

The advanced nurse prepared under the master’s programme functions as a consultant in many fronts. Similarly, a nurse anesthetist acts as a consultant in anesthesia. As a consultant, an advanced nurse prepared under the master’s degree programme is required to demonstrate high-level knowledge and skills in clinical practice, nurse leadership, nursing education, professional advocacy and policy change (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013).

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Change Agent.

((Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013)). As they exercise their advanced skills, the advanced nurses make many proposals, which are likely to lead to change as they are implemented. Through such, the advanced nurses advocate for change.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role in Improving Healthcare Delivery and Outcomes

AACN (2011) outlines that advanced nurses have been prepared to provide cost-effective care to patients. Since the advanced nurses have been prepared to manage healthcare effectively, their provision of affordable care improves patient outcomes. Additionally, AACN (2011) points out that the advanced nurses have been prepared to provide healthcare in a variety of settings and systems. Their vast knowledge in health care systems gives tem a chance to enhance effective leadership in the various healthcare units, leading to an improvement in healthcare delivery and outcomes. The advanced nurses have also been prepared to identify gaps in the health systems and advocate for change (Stanley, 2010). Such changes are directed towards improving healthcare delivery and patient care outcomes.

Effective Communication Strategies for Interacting with other Healthcare Professionals

The advanced nurse at the master’s level has been prepared to communicate effectively. In order to fulfill the role, the advanced competence of the nurse enables them to use various strategies to communicate effectively. They communicate by giving complete answers to raised concerns (AACN, 2011). The nurses are also concise in their communication, and they use concrete terms for clarity and easy passage of information. Their level of competence enables them to be accurate in their communication. At the level of the individual, the strategies for effective communication include assertiveness, active listening and good communication skills. At the group level, advanced nurses promote effective teams, where the flow of communication is smooth. Lastly, at the organizational level, the nurses promote effective communication links and culture of cooperation, honesty and openness, promoting effective communication.

Strategies for working in Collaborative and Interdependent Relationships

Since health care delivery is through a multidisciplinary team, working through collaboration is very essential in integrating patient care delivery. The advanced master’s nurse promotes collaboration through understanding self, valuing and managing diversity and making use of conflict management skills (ANA, 2005). As such, the master’s nurse has a role to promote teamwork, and to use their nterpersonal and process skills to manage people. Additionally, since the healthcare setting is a multi-disciplinary phenomenon, the master’s nurse has been prepared to understand that decisions are not made single-handedly. The nurses thus promote a culture of consultation and inclusivity, in order to build a positive culture of collaboration in the healthcare organization.

Negotiation Skills for the Masters Prepared Nursing Role:

((Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013)). Lastly, nurses prepared at the master’s level have the skill of integrating opposingconcerns for the benefit of the conflicting parties. Through such, they participate in the negotiation, as a means of solving conflicts effectively.

Nurse Practitioner, Clinical nurse Specialist, Nurse anesthetist and Certified Nurse-midwife:

Such can be diabetes, mental health, geriatrics, pediatrics or others. gh practicum and internship (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013). A certified nurse anesthetist is an advanced practice nurse who has specialized in the nursing area of anesthesia. A Certified Nurse Midwife is an advanced practice nurse who has specialized in providing postpartum care, prenatal care, and attending to women during childbirth.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as an Advocate for the Nursing Profession:

In professional development,favour of the profession ((Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013)).

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role’s Responsibility in Professional Activities:

The master’s nurse has a role of promoting professionalism in the nursing profession. AACN (2011) documents that the advanced nurse is expected to behave and act professionally, in order to promote role-modelling spirit among the other members in the profession. In regard to research, the advanced nurse builds new knowledge and develops theoretical frameworks in order to develop the profession. In the professional activities, the nurse has a role of demonstrating assertiveness, interpersonal knowledge and skills, and responsibility. Considering the specialties, every advanced nurse has a role of negotiating for the nursing profession in their areas of expertise. For example, a nurse educator advocates for change in the curriculum in order to accommodate the new knowledge in the profession.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role in MaintainingContinued Competence:

AACN (2011) records that the advanced nurse (Stanley, 2010). One is expected to read nursing literature widely, in order to interact with other specialists in the profession, and keep updated.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Leadership Role within the Profession:

The advanced practice nurse has a role of leading others in the profession. ANA (2005) records that the advanced nurse leads change, among other elements of leadership. In the clinical area, advanced nurse acts as a leader because of their high-level command of knowledge. In es of professional challenges.

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role as a Professional Role-model:

((Hamric, Hanson, Tracy &O’Grany, 2013)).

Concepts of Personal Values, Societal values, professional values, organizational values and moral values:

Personal values are indicators or attributes that an individual holds dear to them, which guide their behavior. Societal values are ethical attributes or principles that the society holds in high esteem. Professional values are the attributes defined by profession, like nursing, to guide the behavior and conduct of the members of the profession. One the other hand, organizational values are the attributes thatan organization sets to guide the behavior of the stakeholders in the organization. Lastly, moral values are ethical principles that have been accepted universally by the human race, to guide behavior and the conduct of its members.

The role of Emotins in Ethical Decisions:

Emotios play a central role in the daily lives of human beings. An advanced practice nurse prepared under the masters programme is required to show empathy to their patients, especially when making decisions. In showing empathy, emotions and reason are integrated in order to come up with a viable decision, which is acceptable both morally, and legally (Stacey, 2011). The human aspect of emotions, should, thus be integrated with reasons when making ethical decisions.

Importance of Personal Values and Patient Values:

Personal values are important because they guide a nurse while delivering care to the patients. Although there are professional values that guide professional behavior, a nurse’s competence is boosted by their ability to adhere to a strong set of personal values. Patient values, on the other hand, guide the provision of care leadeing to quality care and promoting patient-centred care. In addition, patient values promote healthcare delivery and organizational outcomes, through promotion of standardization in the practice (Stacey, 2011).

Implications for Nursing Care of Values Conflict:

Nursing care ususally faces a big challenge when values conflict (Stacey, 2011). Accordding to Stacey, conflicting values hinder professional practice because they pose many ethical dillemas. For example, organizational value constraints has continued to prevent nurses from exercising their personal and professional values. Such organizational constraints may include the lack of resources, , and the nurse may not practice professionally in such a case. In addition, conflicting values limit nurses in the practice of professionalism, leading to low motivation. The low motivation further leads to poor patient outcomes. In order to effectively cope with value conflict, Stacey (2011) encourages socialization through acceptance, rejection and, or innovation.


American Association of colleges of nursing (AACN). (2010). Establishing a culturally competent master’s and doctorally prepared workforce. Washington, DC: Author.

American Nurses Association (ANA). (2005). Ten lessons in collaboration. The Online journal of Issues in Nursing, 10(1), Manuscript 1.

Hamric, B.A., Hanson, M.C., Tracy, F.M., & O’Grady, T.E. (2013). Advanced practice nursing: an integrative approach. Bridgewater, NJ: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Stacey, W. (2011). How do nurses cope when values and practice conflict? Nursing Times, 107(5), 20-23.

Stanley, M.J. (2010). Advanced nursing practice: emphasizing common roles. Philadelphia, PA: F. A Davis.

