Adolf Loos: Ornament and Crime

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March 19, 2020
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March 19, 2020

Adolf Loos: Ornament and Crime

Adolf Loos: Ornament and Crime

Paper instructions:
You need to read the reading and produce a critical and creative response to it in the form of a power point presentation. The presentation has to be in a way that successfully engage the audience and provoke discussion.

Important Points:

1. Length of presentation: 15-20 mins

2. Start the presentation with Who is Adolf Loos? (The Author of the reading) Put his picture and give a brief bio and information about him: 1-2 mins

3. Show his buildings (5-6 Images) and talk briefly about them.

4. Then start talking about the reading and give a critical and creative response to it. It is also required to show the buildings he mentioned in his reading and try to point out the main concepts throughout the reading with reference to those buildings and talk about them.

Link to the reading:
Note that the texts inside the dashed boxes are part of the reading !