After reading the article by Ness, McCallum, and Price (2010)
In relation to article 1, Ness, McCallum, and Price (2010), I have realized that I need to develop the skill of setting a good role model. After reading the article, I have realized that, sometimes I do not perform well in some areas, leading to poor modelling, especially to the student nurses and the patients. In addition, I have realized I need to strengthen my skill in critical thinking and decision-making. Through my experience in leadership, I have realized I have been very authoritative, and I plan to use delegation in the discharge of duties to enable others learn, and to empower my juniors.
With article 2, Zakrrison and Hugllund (2009), I have realized that the scientific aspect of evidence-based practice has enabled me to move from task-oriented to individual-oriented approach, enabling me to view a patient as a holistic being, and purposing to provide holistic care. as an aspect of holistic care, I have realized that I have been focusing more on patient education, which has enabled me to promote life-style changes to my patients.
Reflecting on both articles, it is important to manage barriers that may hinder the exchange of information during patient teaching, or student-nurse mentoring. For example, when teaching a patient, the nurse first ensures that the patient is comfortable in their bed. N addition, the nurse should ensure that they choose an appropriate venue for patient teaching, free of distractors. This also entails, choosing the most appropriate time and being available for the patient. In addition, the nurse uses a language free of medical jargon, to promote understanding by the patients. In order to avoid information overload, the nurse teaches bits by bits.
For my action plan, I decide to carry out the following activities and resolutions in order to develop my skills and confidence:
Doc 2:
Activity 1: Mentorship skills and qualities:
From my experience as a student nurse, I realized that my good mentors demonstrated good role modelling skills and problem-solving skills. At times, I went to see my good mentor when I had a burning issue. The mentor demonstrated very superior problem-solving skills in advising me on how to approach the issue. In addition, my good mentor has been a role model.
Comparing with the literature, the qualities I found in my good mentor are mentioned in the literature. Kaihlannen, Lakanmaa and Salmininen (2013) observe that students transiting from studentship to registered nurses need role-modelling, a skill exhibited by my good mentors. Similarly, Ali and Panther (2008) emphasize the role of strong problem-solving skills in mentorship. Also, the skills of a mentor of being a teacher and a counsellor is reflected both in the literature and was demonstrated by my good mentors. However, as reflected in the literature (Ali & Panther, 2008), my mentors were not good supporters. I remember I went through moments of financial difficulties, and I did not receive help from my good mentors.
Action plan for future role development
What do I need to learn? | What must I do to achieve this? | What resources do I need? | How will I use this to improve my performance? | How will I know if I’ve improved? |
a) want to learn the skill of role-modelling
b). I need to learn problem-solving skills
I need to learn the skill of playing the adviser role
I must have a mentee and undertake to support them
I need to participate in mentorship activities
Participate in a mentorship activity |
I need time, and management books/articles
Time, knowledge |
I will gain experience through the mentoring activity, thus achieving the skill
I will gain knowledge through reading, and practical skills through engaging in the mentorship activities
I will improve the skill through practice |
I will assess myself by evaluating the impact of the programme, and by getting responses from the mentees
I will evaluate my performance in the mentorship activities, especially where we are solving problems.
I will evaluate my performance in the mentorship activities |
Doc 3:
Activity 1: Communication:
As a newly qualified nurse, one is likely to communicate with: fellow nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, counsellors, other members of the healthcare team, patients, relatives and hospital administrators. (Casey & Wallis, 2011).
Activity 2: Assertiveness and Skills development:
In order to build on my assertiveness and still respect others, I will consider the flowing on my action plan:
Activity 3: Accountability and delegation:
When delegating care, the staff nurse should consider the needs of the patient. The health care assistant being delegated the task should be competent enough to meet the desired needs of the patient. Additionally, the staff nurse should consider the required protocol before delegating. Further, the level of experience of the HCA should be considered before delegating the care.
As a staff nurse, one should use communication skills in a manner that allows them to pass the desired message to the HCA or the student nurse. For example, the staff nurse should clearly communicate the care that the patient needs, and how it should be given. Additionally, the staff nurse should allow the HCA or the student to seek clarification where there is a need before moving on to implement the delegated care (Casey & Wallis, 2011).
Activity 4: Conflict and Negotiation:
In scenario 1, I would explain to staff nurse Bauer that it is her responsibility to care for the patient, and recommend she uses infection-control measures to prevent infection. In scenario 2, scenario 4, I would conduct a very short crises management meeting with my day shift staff, with a view to planning how all the work will be completed, as a short measure.
The skills for negotiation and conflict management include building a positive relationship, understanding the nature of the conflict and understanding the law. A newly qualified nurse can be supported by the administrators, the experienced nurses, the ward-in-charge and the colleagues (Casey & Wallis, 2011). I would develop the conflict management skills by making sure I employ them whenever there is an opportunity. I applied the skills when I was leading the nursing students Association in college, and we differed with the director of the school, concerning a change we wanted to be introduced in the school. Through the experience, I learnt that practical experiences are the best activities of developing in conflict resolution.
Ali PA, Panther W., 2008, “Professional development and the role of mentorship”, Nursing Standard, vol.22, no.42, pp.35-39.
Casey A, Wallis A 2011, “Effective communication: Principle of Nursing Practice E”, Nursing Standard, Vol. 25, no. 32, pp. 35-37.
Kaihlanen, A-M., Lakanmaa,R-L., Salmininen, L. 2013, “The transition from nursing student to registered nurse: The mentor’s possibilities to act as a supporter”, Nurse Education in Practice, vol.13,pp. 418-422
Ness, V. Duffy, K, McCallum, J. Price, L. 2010, “Supporting and mentoring students in practice” Nursing Standard, vol.25, no.1, pp41-46.
Zakrisson, A. Hagglund, D. 2009, “The asthma/COPD nurses’ experience of educating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary health care”, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol.24, pp147-155