Active shooting/bulling in hospital Academic Essay

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Active shooting/bulling in hospital Academic Essay

Assignment: TWO PARTS IN ONE APA PAPER! Your assignment should be submitted in one APA formatted document – all requirements for an APA paper should be included; these have been given to you over the past weeks. The body of the essay should be at least 1500 words or 5 pages and no more than 2000 words in length and should contain at least three scholarly sources PLUS the textbook –that is FOUR total sources cited in text and referenced. The scholarly articles and web link you are required to review DO NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR REQUIRED SOURCES. You will need additional scholarly sources besides the ones you will be reading this week; however, if you paraphrase from one of the articles for the assigned reading you will need to cite and reference that source. Please cite and reference ALL sources you use for your assignment!

Part One: Read the three articles and one web link listed in the coursework regarding active shooters in hospitals.

First: Compare and discuss the information in these 4 articles (such as any similarities, differences, or surprises).
Next: Answer the following questions regarding your personal experience:
Has your workplace prepared for an active shooter? Protocol/preparations?
What is your responsibility as a nurse caring for patients?
Do you feel a live active shooter drill should take place, with live gunfire? Explain.

Part Two: Our profession is one of caring, and yet I am certain we have all heard the term ‘nurses eat their young,’ and some of you may even have been victims of this situation. Please research the topic of bullying/incivility in nursing and answer the following:

Why does bullying occur in nursing?
What would you say to help a new nurse who is being bullied?
What is your responsibility if you witness an act of nurse bullying?
cite your source and reference the source
Read the following articles from the ProQuest Library

Security InfoWatch. (2013). Responding to active shooters in hospitals. SecurityInfoWatch.Com. Retrieved from
Balingit, M. (2012, March 9). Hospital shootings shock Oakland 2 dead, 7 injured at Western Psych; Police kill gunman in exchange of fire. Pittsburgh Post – Gazette. Retrieved from
Hospital Employee Health. (2013). Most hospital shootings are not preventable. Retrieved from

World wide web

The Joint Commission. (2014, July). Preparing for active shooter situations. Quick Safety. Retrieved from
text book name:professional nursing practice 7th edition. ISBN # 13-380131-6

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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions