Accounting & Finance for Managers III

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July 4, 2020

Accounting & Finance for Managers III

Looking for:

– UK Writer
– Writing for Master Level
– Report Format + Excel Analysis (Ratios)
– Need free Plagiarism Report
– Strict Harvard Style
– Follow the Assessment criteria in the attached files.
– Need a draft by: 25 Aug

(Organisation is : Vodafone Qatar)
2013 Annual Report

Financial Reports

Individual Assignment
~ Take the most recent published annual Financial Statement for your organisation or an organisation you know well.
~ Assume you are a shareholder in this organisation.
~ Critically assess the value, to a shareholder, of the information in the Statement.
~ Identify what you see as the financial objective of the company and discuss how far that satisfies your personal objectives.
~ By using appropriate ratios perform an analysis of the company and of its current share price.
~ Pay particular attention to the company’s capital structure and to its chances of surviving the current recession. 


~ Conclude by deciding, with reasons, whether (assuming your personal resources permit) you should sell or hold your existing shares or you should buy more.


Categories of Financial Ratios

You will need to consider your analysis from the following 5 areas:

1. Short-term solvency or liquidity ratios
2. Long-term solvency or financial leverage ratios
3. Asset management or turnover ratios
4. Profitability ratios
5. Market value ratios

I need Excel sheet with following Vodafone Qatar’s analysis :

Profitability Ratios : see file (Assignment Notes.ppt)
Efficiency Ratios : see file (Assignment Notes.ppt)
Liquidity Ratios : see file (Assignment Notes.ppt)
Financial Risk/Gearing : see file (Assignment Notes.ppt)
Investment Ratios : see file (Assignment Notes.ppt)
Investment Ratios : see file (Assignment Notes.ppt)