Accountability and Outcomes in the Counseling Profession

discuss the role and importance of strategic management in healthcare organizations
June 19, 2020
experiement Essay
June 19, 2020

Accountability and Outcomes in the Counseling Profession

Accountability and Outcomes in the Counseling Profession

For this Discussion, you consider potential challenges of accountability of treatment outcomes for clients.

To prepare for this Discussion:

•Review the Learning Resources. Reflect on the importance of accountability, outcomes, needs assessment, and program evaluation to the counseling profession.
•Think about any concerns you have and challenges you might encounter in being accountable as a counselor and how you might address them.
With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 an explanation of any concerns you might have about a mental health counselor’s accountability for client treatment outcomes. Then explain two potential challenges you might encounter in being held accountable for treatment outcomes as a mental health counselor.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources using appropriate APA format and style.