According to Choice Theory, delinquents engage in criminal behavior because

: In simple terms explain what researchers must go through to select the right sample size for a study
July 11, 2020
Continuation of last observation paper
July 11, 2020

According to Choice Theory, delinquents engage in criminal behavior because

Question 1

 According to Choice Theory, delinquents engage in criminal behavior because:



. they are suffering from an identity crisis



. they learn the behavior from their peers



. the succumb to peer pressure



. they think their actions are economically or emotionally profitable


5 points

Question 2

 Routine Activities Theory includes all of the following except:



. absence of suitable targets



. availability of suitable targets



. absence of capable guardians



. presence of motivated offenders


5 points

Question 3

 The purpose of punishment under general deterrence is to send a message to the rest of society. 




5 points

Question 4

 Cesare Lombroso is credited as the father of criminology because:



. He was the first person to write about crime



. He was the first person to show a correlation between criminal behavior and biological factors



. He was the first to use the scientific method to study crime



. He was the first person to challenge CesareBeccaria


5 points

Question 5

 Which theory attributes criminal behavior to genetic traits and environmental influences?



. positivism



. classical



. biosocial



. psychodynamic


5 points

Question 6

 Positivists believe crime is a function of personal traits and physical or mental conditions.


5 points

Question 7

 According to Sheldon, which body type was closely related to criminal and/or delinquent behavior?



. mesomorphs



. mectomorphs



. endomorphs



. ectomorphs


5 points

Question 8

 In psychodynamic theory, Freud claimed that the personality was made up of three important parts. Which one if the following is not one of them?



. super ego



. superior ego



. ego



. ID


5 points

Question 9

 According to social learning theory, behavior is a result of learned social experiences.


5 points 


Question 10

 Relative deprivation occurs when poor and wealthy neighborhoods are far away from one another.


5 points

Question 11

 Edwin Sutherland is the creator of the Theory of Differential Association.


5 points

Question 12

 Labeling Theory is concerned with the societal response to the delinquent act.


5 points

Question 13

 According to Shaw and McKay delinquency is produced by:



. learning processes in small intimate groups



. rational and informed decisions



. transitional neighborhoods



. opportunity


5 points

Question 14

 Merton spoke about all of the following as adaptations to strain except:



. retreat



. rebellion



. routine



. ritual


5 points

Question 15

 Robert Agnew examined three sources of strain. The death of a loved one would be characterized under which group? 



. Strain caused by a failure to achieve positively valued goals



. Strain as the removal of positively valued stimuli



. Strain as the presence of negative stimuli



. Strain as the removal of negatively valued stimuli


5 points

Question 16

 She was responsible for her own rape. Why else would she go back to his hotel room alone at such a late hour? According to Skyes and Matza, this is an example of:



. denial of responsibility



. denial of injury



. condemnation of the condemners



. denial of the victim


5 points

Question 17

 Hirschi’s social bond/control theory includes all of the following except:



. attachment



. interconnectedness



. involvement



. belief


5 points

Question 18

 According to the conflict view, crime is a function of:



. class



. learning



. socialization



. fear


5 points

Question 19

 Walter Miller is one of authors responsible for Neutralization Theory.


5 points

Question 20

 Fraternal twins have more of the same behavior characteristics than identical twins
