Academic research paper Academic Essay

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Academic research paper Academic Essay

Academic research paper (musn’t be emotive or opinion based) to be delivered orally.

Comedy has been around since the Ancient Greeks to entertain people and make them laugh at everyday issues and life in general. However, ‘religious beliefs should be exempt from ridicule.’ Evaluate this statement reflecting on the role humour plays in the portrayal of religion and religious beliefs in contemporary society.

Hypothesis (must use this)
In a free liberal democracy, Christian religious beliefs should not be exempt from ridicule, because to do so would damage the basis of modern secular democracy as ridicule enables us to effectively confront dangerous ideas by appealing to emotion.

Paper must include reference to Ned Flanders of the Simpsons, in particular when Homer proves to Ned that God doesn’t exist. Also reference to Family Guy ridiculing Christianity.

Demonstrate argument with selections from relevant sources which may include sacred texts or writings, academic papers and theological documents.

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions