Academic poster
Produce an A2 poster that demonstrates learning of the total product concept.
The total product concept is introduced in week one and discussed in class throughout the semester; students
should study the material on blackboard. The total product concept could be described as a mega-concept as it
brings together a number of product concepts. Knowledge of the total product concept is essential for
communicating a product value proposition within an organisation and to clients. This is a key success factor for
all organisations.
Make a list of the product concepts included in the total product concept [consult the marketing2013 e-text].
Students will be given an organisation to study, asked to visit the organisation, conduct an product audit, and then
create an A2 academic poster. On campus students will print their posters and display them in class in week 7.
Students will upload a PDF version of their posters on Blackboard.
Examples of past posters will be shown in class week 2 and via blackboard. Posters should demonstrate the
student’s learning through the use of the unit language and concepts, the explanation of unit language and
concepts, and through examples that demonstrate application of concepts.
A combination of images and text will be required. Images are generally diagrams and photographs. All images
should be the student’s own work.
When creating the poster PowerPoint or desktop publishing software may be used. Students will need to format
the page size to A2 dimensions.
As this is a marketing unit, creativity is encouraged; however, students should focus on gaining marks
through a demonstration that they have studied their way through the marketing2013 e-text and unit