Academic Journal Article Assignment

: Research skills assignment
August 15, 2020
Performance Enhancement and Pre-competitive Anxiety Management among USAG Junior Olympic Gymnasts
August 15, 2020

Academic Journal Article Assignment

Academic Journal Article Assignment

Here is my instructor request below, first you can go to the website to choose an article which you want to write, can see the format, thanks:
1.Go to our course LibGuide at
2.Chose a journal article from the tab Sample Research Articles”
3.Claim the article by creating a discussion thread” and title it using the first name in the list of authors of the article
4.After reading your article, edit your own thread by answering the following questions
What is the issue that the researcher(s) were addressing?
What question did the researcher(s) try to answer through their analysis?
What source did the researcher(s) use to define a set of data” to analyze?
How did the researcher(s) go about analyzing the data (what method” did they use)?
In what way did the data analysis answer the questions they were asking?
What did they think they could have done better?
Why do the researcher(s) think this information is important for others to know about (So what?)