About the lottery and contemporary tradition
Project description
Read the fiction The Lottery. which is written by Shirley Jackson?
The blue words are my teacher’s comments for my previous essay. This is the major issue why previous journal get lower grade.
I need writer maintain my own idea which do not change what I want to present in the article. The draft only has nearly one page. Please exapand the content. The complete essay should have 3 pages is better. Try to make this essay has five paragrahs which including introduction and conclusion and 3 body paragraphs. see the instructions to finish the essay. to be attention Make sure that do not use someone else idea, or online words because that will trigger plagiarism. it must be use writer’s own words.
1) corrected the errors.
2) stated the theme very clearly.
3) divided paper in three sections to bring clarity in the paper.
4) changed the structures of sentences to make them flow in smooth and clear manner.
5) kept all your ideas intact and have developed the paper on your content.