ABC Clothing Customer Data Analysis and Discussion

Senior Seminar for Labor History
June 22, 2020
Physican assisted suicide
June 22, 2020

ABC Clothing Customer Data Analysis and Discussion

ABC Clothing Customer Data Analysis and Discussion

ASSIGNMENT: Case Study Analysis and Discussion

Assignment Information:
–    Group Assignment (not exceeding 4 members in a group) worth 35% of total assessment grade

You are required to undertake a thorough analysis of the case on ABC Clothing. The analysis should be primarily based upon the information contained in the case itself and the provided CRM data set ( available in a separate file) of 202 ABC Clothing customers (available on Blackboard). Normal academic referencing is required for any information reported from outside the case study. Your assignment report should not repeat information already contained in the case. Instead you are required to analyze the information given in the case study using the various tools and theoretical models discussed throughout the unit, identify issues of interest [these could be positive, negative, or both], and make conclusions/recommendations as to the course of action the organization should adopt. Your Case Study report must not exceed 3 000 words, excluding references and appendices. Needless to say, it is the depth and strength of the analysis that will be critical in evaluating this report. Students need to submit the case study report both online through Blackboard and a hard copy on or before the due date. The submitted reports will be transferred to Turnitin automatically for plagiarism monitoring. Late penalties (10% marks for each day behind the scheduled submission date) will be applied if any student is late in submitting the case study report in either form (online or hard copy). All the group members must contribute to the group assignment. The members of the same group may receive different marks for the Case Study Analysis based on peer-evaluation report and other related evidence that will be received from each member. See marking guide for more details.

ABC Clothing Case:
ABC Clothing, a large clothing retailer, wants to implement a CRM project. The company’s clothing retail business covers 85 retail stores in Australia. It also has other businesses such as travel, fashionable sportswear, and household furniture. Through the CRM project the CEO of this organization wants to:

•    Leverage the loyal customer relationships held within the retail clothing business line, and
•    Assess the effectiveness of the existing loyalty program of the retail clothing business.

You are required to analyze the customer data relating to ABC retail clothing customers and generate useful information for CRM strategy. You also need to assess the current loyalty program of the company and suggest if any revision is deemed necessary. Use the various concepts discussed in the Customer Relationship Management classes, identify issues of interest, and make recommendations/ suggest strategies the organization should adopt. Please follow the additional information regarding the case study (‘marking guide’ and ‘what to do’ file) available on Blackboard.
Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis and Discussion Marking Guide

Students’ Name:      ___________________________________  St. No.: _______________

Students’ Name:      ___________________________________  St. No.: _______________

Students’ Name:      ___________________________________  St. No.: _______________

Students’ Name:      ___________________________________  St. No.: _______________

Particulars    Marks    Score
Introduction     5
Profiling Customers
Profiling Loyal Customers      10
Bivariate Analysis      20
Effectiveness of the Loyalty Program     20
Discussion and Strategic Directions    20
Conclusion     5
Clear Report Structure and Clarity of Communication    5
Total    100

Other Comments:      _________________________________________________________


Signature/Date:          _________________________________________________________

ABC Clothing Customer Data
Analysis and Discussion

ABC Clothing, a large clothing retailer, wants to implement a CRM project. The company’s clothing retail business covers several retail stores in Germany. The data set relates only to retail clothing customers. The company also has other businesses such as travel, fashionable sportswear, and household furniture.

1.    Introduction: Introduction should be very brief and to the point. It should include the key purpose of this report.

2.    Profile Customers: Specify the demographic profile of customers – (i) age (young – mature – old), (ii) income (low – medium – high), (iii) gender (male / female), and (iv) Profession (% of different profession).

3.    Profiling Loyal Customers: Specify the criteria of loyal customers ((i) value of purchase, (ii) frequency of purchase, (iii) share-of-wallet). Then, outline who they are (male vs. female; income group; age group; and profession) based on their (i) value of purchase, (ii) frequency of purchase, (iii) share-of-wallet.

4.    Bivariate Analysis: Conduct bivariate analysis of the customers to generate more knowledge about the existing customers. Cover all the meaningful bivariate analysis (e.g. loyalty x value; loyalty x share of wallet; etc.) in order to get insights.

5.    Effectiveness of the Loyalty Program: Is the existing loyalty program effective? Explain with reasons. Provide supporting evidence from the data set.

6.    Discussion and Strategic Directions: Provide strategic directions in terms of how to retain profitable and loyal customers; how to avail the opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling; how to make the loyalty program more attractive from the retailer point of view as well as from the customers’ point of view.

7.    Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion summarizing the findings or benefits of this report.

8.    Clear Report Structure and Clarity of Communication: Please ensure professional report structure and clarity of Communication.

Case Analysis Assignment – Guidelines for Data Transformation

1. Id:  Identification number

2. Gender:     1=Male      2=Female

3. Age:      1=up to 25 years
2=26 to 35 years
3=36 to 45 years
4=46 to 55 years
5=Over 55 years

4. Education: 1=Below high school
2=High school
3=University graduate

5. Income: 1=Low income    2=Middle income    3=High income

6. Employment: 1=Student     2=Professional         3=Blue collar worker     4=Retired/unemployed

7. Member of ABC loyalty program:  0=No    1=Yes

8. Share of wallet:  1=Below 50%    2=51% to 75%         3=More than 75%

9. Satisfaction:    1=Low & medium satisfaction      2=High satisfaction

10: Yearly spend ($) in the store:  1=up to $500        2=$501 to $1000    3=More than $1000

11. Purchase frequency in a year:   1=Low (up to 3 times)
2=Medium (3 to 6 times)
3=High (more than 6 times)

12. Loyalty to ABC company:  0=Not loyal    1=Loyal

13. Primary interests:    1=Travel    2=Sports    3=Home decoration