Repression Memo
March 22, 2020
March 23, 2020

“A World of Ideas”

“A World of Ideas”

Write a response essay according to a reading from the book called “A World of Ideas” (9th edition) pages between 219-235 (Niccolo Machiavelli- The qualities of the Prince).SHORT ESSAYS
Starting with the February 23 reading assignment (Gardner), all students must
write a short essay in response to the assigned readings. Starting February 25, one short
essay will be due in class every Wednesday (no email submissions) for the next ten
Wednesdays as indicated on the class schedule.
Each short essay should be no longer than one page (about 250 – 300 words).
Each short essay should contain the following:
1. A statement of the thesis of the assigned reading in about 25 words or less.
2. A summary of about 100 words explaining the most important argument(s) in the
assigned reading that supports the thesis.
3. Express your personal reaction in about 50 to 100 words that discusses the
truthfulness and clarity of the thesis and the important supporting arguments.
All short essays must be typed and double-spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 white paper with
one-inch margins. Use 12 point Times New Roman font only.
Give your essay a title. Please put your name in the upper left hand corner of
your paper. Do NOT put the date, my name, the course title, or the section number, etc.,
on your paper.
The first time you submit a short essay that uses the wrong font or has other
formatting issues, it will be returned for you to resubmit using the correct font and/or
formatting. Resubmits must be turned in by the last regular day of class (Monday, June
8). Subsequent short essays submitted using the wrong font or formatting will have 1 – 5
points deducted from the score for that short essay.
Each short essay is worth 25 points. Ten short essays are assigned, for a total of
250 possible points.
Late short essays are not accepted and will receive a zero.