A traded technological firm and research on the firm and write a 7-10 page report detailing the following information: Outline: 1. Company and Industr

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A traded technological firm and research on the firm and write a 7-10 page report detailing the following information: Outline: 1. Company and Industr

Company Research – Secondary Research and analysis. A traded technological firm and research on the firm and write a 7-10 page report detailing the following information: Outline: 1. Company and Industry Background 2. Source(s) of innovation 3. Types/Patterns of innovation 4. Definition of “value-added” for the firm’s products/services 5. Core and Distinctive Competencies 6. Organizational Structure/Culture/Leadership 7. Strategy Timing and Deployment 8. “Abstract / Executive Summary”, “What went right / wrong”, “Recommendations” – great way to present your insights just be sure to weave it in well so reading flow is not affected. ***Look for something(s) that didn’t work for the company been researched, who they partner with for resources and also look for what kind of resources that the partner(s) provides. As a secondary research paper, this paper should consist predominantly of paraphrased material and therefore should include in-text references and a bibliography. And, Presentation of Findings: Please develop a 10-12 slides PowerPoint to be presented on the researched firm using the above outline.