A study of factors influencing Chinese markets in selecting fine dining restaurant as their preferred choice, how to meet the customer needs of fine-d

Final Portfolio Cover Letter
August 30, 2020
Qualitative Research – Participant/Observation and Interview
August 30, 2020

A study of factors influencing Chinese markets in selecting fine dining restaurant as their preferred choice, how to meet the customer needs of fine-d

Introduction to include an Executive Summary, Background and Research Approach 20%
• Background and/or introduction, data collection approach and an Executive Summary

Data Presentation, Data Analysis and Research Findings 60%
• Data Presentation (30%)
• Data analysis and Research findings (30%)

Conclusions and Managerial Implications and Applications and possible recommendations. 10%
• What are the conclusions that can be drawn from the data presented and how may it contribute to finding the solution to the business problem or opportunity?

Synthesis and Referencing 10%
• The completion of the research cycle
• The cohesive structure and flow of the work
• Meeting of the apa Referencing requirements

Total Contribution to course mark 100%