A Research Paper on Film Studies

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September 2, 2020

A Research Paper on Film Studies

A Research Paper on Film Studies
Order Description
Your final paper assignment is a research paper on a topic relevant to the study of film. The paper should be 5 pages in length (double-spaced, font 12, preferably Times New Roman). You are required to do an in-depth analysis of a single film, “The Shawshank Redemption(1994)” directed by Frank Darabont.

You could consider writing about the formal organization of the film (plot, structure, characters, editing, sound, lighting,mise-en-scène, cinematography,etc.), or the intellectual content of the film (meaning, theme, symbolism, social commentary, ideology, etc.), or both. In fact, form and content are inseparable and work together in a film.

You need to write a specific thesis in your introduction, and use evidences to support your idea. In your analysis and interpretation of the film(s), you should draw on a specific method of criticism and film theory, or a combination of several theories, such as auteur theory, ideological theory, feminist theory, psychoanalytic theory, realist theory, and so on.

To give your analysis depth and precision, please pay attention to at least two key sequences (scenes) from the film. Keep in mind the steps of writing a good persuasive paper (thesis statement, description, evidence, interpretive framework, etc.).
will expect a good bibliography (list of research sources used) as a part of the paper itself. (DO NOT use resources from the internet) You could find resources from the formal journals or books. You’ll put the bibliography at the end of the paper (in the same document), as always with citations. The bibliography for the final paper itself should include at least 3 sources.