A Personal/Professional Code of Conduct

Tax Return
July 26, 2020
Investment and Development in Latvia
July 26, 2020

A Personal/Professional Code of Conduct

TOPIC: A Personal/Professional Code of Conduct
This paper will include a set of five to ten principals that, combined together, provide a code of conduct for you in the role you plan to fulfill in your professional life.  You may focus on a personal code of conduct as the professional you will be or you may address a code of conduct you will share with your staff or co-workers in your professional role, i.e. owning a retail company, managing a veterinary clinic, etc.  You should begin by researching codes of conduct that exist for people in your position, either by personally inquiring or by doing online research.  You may use some of these in your code of conduct but you must add your own to put your stamp on it. The sources you find should be referenced appropriately.  In addition to providing the list of principals, you should also discuss the reasons for your choices indicating the overall intent of your code in its entirety.
The paper length and word count shall including the actual Code of Conduct.

1,000+ word minimum (12 point and double spaced, one inch margins, cover page, no abstract page, and reference page).  Ethical arguments included in any chapter or Pp can be used in your papers. I am not looking for your opinion; I am looking for an ethical viewpoint. You can include any relevant personal experiences, graphs, charts, and any other information that may help you describe your moral dilemma.  Be sure to include a minimum of 5 total sources and include them in your references and citings to help you highlight your topic.  Writing is expected to include critical thinking about how ethical theory and information from your references relate to each assignment topic.

Use Google Scholarly or the Library Database for additional sources (See Library Research Tab on the Left in Bb). Do not use Wikipedia, dictionary, or a website (points will be taken off).

Papers must have a minimum of three ethical theory subheadings such as: Moral Universalism, Utilitarianism, Consequentialism, Kantian Ethics, Social Contract Theory, Intuitionism, Virtue Ethics, Feminist Ethics, Moral Nihilism, and/or Ethical Explorations, Ethical Provocations, Conflicts as Creative Opportunities. You may also use other ethical theory subheadings. Papers must also have an Introduction section and a Conclusion section with a subheading.

Must be grammatically correct and all spelling must be correct.

Please DO NOT plagiarize, paper will be turned to turnitin.com to check the originality.

-Word count: Greater than 1,000 words
-Correct format: Minimum of three ethical theories, cover page, intro, and conclusion subheadings. Excellent content.
-Correct Spelling and Grammar Usage: No misspelled words and/or correct use of grammar
-APA Bibliography and citings: Five or more sources- text, one case/video and others from library online article data base or Pp. Proper APA citings and bibliography.
-Critical Thinking and use of Ethical Theory #1: Detailed use of ethical theory
-Critical Thinking and use of Ethical Theory #2: Detailed use of ethical theory
-Critical Thinking and use of Ethical Theory #3: Detailed use of ethical theory

Please feel free to ask me if any further detail is needed, or if you are not clear with the instruction.