A Night At The Opera Academic Essay

A Night At The Opera Academic Essay

The Royal Albert Hall (RAH) is a multipurpose venue which, since 1871, has hosted a diverse range of events including theatrical shows, concerts, conventions, award ceremonies and opera. In the field of opera, the Royal Albert Hall’s main competitor is the English National Opera whose venue is dedicated solely to opera.

The Royal Albert Hall aims to deliver the best customer service as well as the best experience to their opera-loving patrons. The Royal Albert Hall therefore commissioned a survey to establish how it is perceived as an opera venue in comparison to The English National Opera venue. The questionnaire was developed out of a series of exploratory interviews and was applied to a database of approximately 700 registered of members of The Royal Albert Hall who have indicated that they have attended operas in both venues.

The proprietors of The Royal Albert Hall would like to use the survey data to address some specific issues in which they are interested. These are:

What factors most influence whether or not patrons buy tickets for opera at RAH?
Do these factors differ from those that influence patrons in their purchase of opera tickets from ENO?
Is there any aspect of a customer’s experience of attending an opera that influences whether or not they become advocates (i.e. encourage others to attend an opera) of RAH and/or ENO?
Is there anything of importance that can be deduced from the demographic data included in the file?
Can any kind of explanatory or predictive model be built assess:

a) The likelihood of future opera ticket sales
b) The likelihood of patrons becoming advocates of RAH?

Maximum Word Count = 2,500
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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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