Describe a well-known living person you admire: entertainer, writer, personality, or other who is well known. Do not write about someone you know, a family member, or other person who may have had an impact on you. Choose someone we all should knowa celebrity, athlete, musician, or politician. Do not use a fictional character, such as Sherriff Rick Grimes on Tell why you admire this person and what they have done to deserve the public attention or fame they have achieved in their lifetime. Describe any factors in their earlier days that may have influenced them and led them to their success.MLA Style (see ).Double space all (no extra space before or after title).12 Pt. Font, Times New Roman or Cambria preferred.Title is regular type, no bold, underline, or quotescapitalizefirst, last, and all major words in title. Title is centered.Put name/instructor/course # and section/date at top left.Create a header containing your last name and page number at the topright of the paper.