# ASSESSMENT TITLE: A Mentoring Project
# Length: 1500 words (script and reflection) + transcription
Mentor-mentee conversations are not chit-chats but purposeful
reflective dialogues. These conversations are critical for quality
mentoring outcomes. This assessment requires you to participate
in a mentoring conversation with a peer. The peer, as mentee,
must be an adult and have full acknowledgement of the
conversation and its requirements. Follow the process below
carefully to ensure you understand the process of the assessment task.
– Process:
1. Identify an area that you believe you have knowledge in to
successfully mentor a less skilled/knowledgeable other.
This may be a professional topic such as mathematics teaching or assessment design or a personal topic such as playing football or completing crossword puzzles.
2. Next identify a mentee you are able to work with for a period
of 20-30 minutes. This mentee should be an adult (18 or
over) and be able to give full permission to partake in the
mentoring discussion. Preferably this mentee is interested
in your chosen topic and would benefit from engaging in a
mentoring conversation.
3. Approach the mentee and explain the assessment task and
topic. A permission form is available on the Moodle site for
your mentee to sign as approval to participate. This form
must be submitted as part of the assignment. Assure the
mentee that they will not be identifiable in the assessment
submission. You must use pseudonyms.
4. Identify a suitable time to meet your mentee. This may be
(preferably) face to face but could also be virtually via
Skype etc. The time set should be outside of work hours.
Set aside 20-30 minutes to participate in a mentoring
5. Using literature and strategies associated with effective
mentoring, write yourself a semi-structured script. Whilst, as
a mentor, you must be flexible and responsive to your
mentee, you should also be prepared with carefully crafted
questions and prompts that will support you and your
mentee to move forward the chosen topic. Your script
should include questions and prompts, in the order that you
will ask them and any additional mentoring skills you will utilise.
6. Complete your mentoring conversation with your mentee.
This must be recorded (audio-visual).
7. After the mentoring conversation, transcribe your mentoring
conversation. The transcription should be submitted as part
of the assignment.
8. Finally write a refection on the mentoring conversation.
Reflect on:
a. The preparation leading up to the mentoring
b. The environment of the mentoring conversation
c. The skills you utilised/ didn’t utilise in the
d. Further personal goals you identify for yourself as a
## Structure of assignment- All sections must be submitted:
1. Signed permission form from mentee
2. Semi-structured script of mentor questions/prompts
3. Transcribed mentoring conversation
4. Reflection (750 words)
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Posted on May 11, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions