. A crisis interview would be appropriate to

the sixties by terry Anderson
July 28, 2020
Tell me six (6) things that you learned in this class that you will still remember six years from now and why
July 29, 2020

. A crisis interview would be appropriate to

. A crisis interview would be appropriate to

2. ________ testing presents specific questions or statements to which a person responds by using specific answers or a scale. ________ is an example of this type of testing.

3. One of the common concerns associated with IQ testing is that

4.  Harry is a 7-year-old boy who is experiencing problems with receptive language. He seems to understand some but not all of what is said to him. His verbal and nonverbal responses are sometimes inappropriate. His parents and teachers want more information about Harry’s cognitive functioning. The most appropriate test to assess Harry is the

5.  Felicia, a 9-year-old girl, complains that other children are not letting her play with them during recess or that they do not play fair. What would be the most effective approach to assess the interactions between Felicia and her playmates?

6.  Which of the following is a potential threat to effective interviewing?

7.   A potential limitation of an initial assessment is that

8.   The choice of assessment tools used depends on numerous factors, including the following:

9. Anita, a 20-year-old college student, comes in for an evaluation. When the clinician asks her what brings her in for therapy, she answers, I wanted to know how to get rid of the fairies in my dorm room. They come out every night, and their pixie dust makes me sneeze, so I can’t go to sleep.” Based on Anita’s answer, which of the following is the most appropriate tool to use for further assessment?

10.  What is a risk factor when assessing for suicide?