The growth of new media has changed the way news are produced and consumed. Particularly, mobile phones, the Internet, and social networking media hav
June 20, 2020
Transnational criminals and their political impact
June 20, 2020

A Clockwork Orange

. in his article “A Clockwork Orange: Burgess and Ekhavioral i hills • make the claim that The ?1st charer is important in that it changes the hook from an indicuncnt of hehas lord! imenrentions per se to a more general critique of any system that “euld .,eek to question the existence of the free `sill of the individual. or attempt to interfere in an) nay with this nee will. 162) ilkiwd, the subtraction of the hook’s final chapter for both the film and the books American release scents to shill Burgess intent, from hopeful message (i.e.. that there is goodness in humanity. evinced by Alex’s epiphany) to a message far more complex and tenebrous. Using both the film and the book. interpret the message readers and viewers gain fnsm the subtmetion of the final chapter. What is the new message? Which version is more “eflective”—leaving on the final chapter or taking it oft i (“EffeCtive” is a highly subjective term. so make sure you define your interpretation of the wor). i.e.. “effective”
in saw sense?)