A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Human resource planning,Job Analysis, Job description and Job Specification,Recruitment and Selection,Training and Development in an organisation,Perf
May 10, 2020
Topic: Case study on a La Trobe University venture
May 10, 2020

A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree with this statement?


400 words + 10% leniency

Answer the following question (Worth 30 points):

A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Will be marked on content, analysis, argumentation and Harvard style referencing


Use Harvard style referencing

Scheme for content (20 points)

Level    Descriptors    Marks

4    An opinion is given, backed with reasoning and justification    16-20

3    An opinion with examples is given. The benefits and costs of CSR are considered. Top marks go to students who provide examples.    12-15

2    Explains elements of CSR and some idea of costs and benefits to a company    6-11

1    Shows basic understanding of CSR    1-5

Marking scheme for Harvard referencing:

Level    Descriptors    Marks

4    Accurate Harvard style referencing, using at least 4 references and a bibliography of at least 2 sources at the end.    7-10

3    Partially accurate Harvard style referencing, using at least 3 references and a bibliography of at least 2 sources at the end    5-6

2    Mistakes, using only 2 or so references    3-4

1    Lack of references or many mistakes    1-2

Teacher’s Example/ Explanation:


A Business only responsibility is to produce profit.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is to have a positive impact on the society. However , it is also a company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates.

There are four elements of SCR, these are legal, ethical, economic and voluntarily

Legal: Relate this to your chosen business and think of the cost and benefits for their actions