Traditional Gangs in America
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020

911 Terrorist Attacks

This paper will be more of a traditional research, this paper has a criminal justice focus, The paper should address issues related to homeland security.

1. Use the attach PDF: Homeland Security as a source

2. Paper includes following:

Properly cited

A title page,

an abstract,

your main body,

a reference page at a minimum

APA format (may also want to refer to Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style or similar guides)

May include any charts, graphs, etc.


Pages numbered

Also Assignments will be graded according to the following criteria:
? Grammatical content (mechanics)
? Adequacy of paper (content)
? Overall impression and style
? Adherence to the APA Manual format
? Spelling
No plagiarism