#7 Topic: SIPOC Assignment for Management operations

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#7 Topic: SIPOC Assignment for Management operations

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Fall 2014

The SIPOC assignment includes a short write-up, not to exceed two pages.  (Note that this is a maximum, not a minimum!).  You are expected to use your judgment on what

to include in the write-up, but this document provides some coaching on some things to consider.  (In general, the write-up should not duplicate the material in the

SIPOC diagram.)

Use the write-up to explain to a reader unfamiliar with the process (me, for example) what the process is for and whatever else is important for the reader to know

about the process.

You are free to use your judgment here, but at a minimum, you should explain what the process is for and what its purpose is.  Do not assume the reader will know what

the process is just based on a title on the SIPOC diagram.

Some things you could include in your write-up:
– what does the process accomplish
– what purpose does it serve
– what need is filled
– in the S, I, P, O, and C parts of the process, what is really important, and why
– what, if anything, is really critical to running the process well
– what is critical to satisfaction of the “C” at the end of the process
– what is particularly important or unique in the parts of the “P”
– etc!

THESE ARE JUST IDEAS, not a checklist of things you should cover.  As you lay out the SIPOC diagram, think like an Operations Manager and think about what is important
that is not captured in a SIPOC diagram.

In general, the write-up should not duplicate the material in the SIPOC diagram.