4 pages DUE in 5 hours – APA. Must be plagiarism Free

German Culture.
March 24, 2020
Middle East
March 24, 2020

4 pages DUE in 5 hours – APA. Must be plagiarism Free

Assignment 1: Focus Paper

Write a three to five (4– 5) page paper (1000 – 1200 words), not including the title and reference pages, explaining the leadership necessary to accomplish business goals and maximize organizational performance that includes the following:

  • Introduction to specific business and organizational performance goals you desire to achieve through leadership.
  • Research on charismatic, transformational, and situational leadership as the foundational content.
  • Analysis of the ability of those leadership styles and approaches to accomplish your stated goals. Be sure to connect research to your analysis.
  • Recommendation for the leadership style most appropriate for you to achieve the business and organizational performance goals you identified. Connecting research to your recommendations will make them stronger.
  • Conclusion should summarize the primary points of the paper and bring forward a call to action.

The Assignment will be evaluated using the Focus Paper Rubric located in the course Grading Rubrics. Therefore, please ensure it is written with proper grammar, in APA format (including clear section headings), and includes at least three cited and referenced resources – at least one of which must be a peer reviewed (scholarly) journal article.

The overall point distribution for the Assignment will be as follows:

  • 50% (50 points): Content, focus, use of research, and organization
  • 30% (30 points): Analysis and critical thinking
  • 20% (20 points): Writing style, grammar, APA format