3D user interface
Scientific Article (individual assessment) – Writing for ee4fn, cs4fn or Audio!<br /><br />
ee4fn, cs4fn and Audio! are QMUL magazines produced in hard copy and online for secondary school students across the UK. Their aim is to teach students about topics in the field of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science and to inspire them to find out more and go on to further s tudy in the subject. Your task is to write a short piece for one of these magazines.<br /><br />
What will you write about?<br /><br />
In week 2 you will be offered a number of Topic Tasters, and then you will choose one of these Topics to research. Now for your article, you should choose an idea or concept or issue that is part of your research Topic. Your job is then to communicate this to the magazine readers in ways that will interest and enthuse them.<br /><br />
Professor Paul Curzon is the editor of the ee4fn, cs4fn and Audio! mag azines and has written extensively for them himself. You are encouraged to listen to him talking about how to go about writing an article. He has produced 3 short resources that are on the ECS4020U QMPlus site.<br /><br />
Amongst other things he suggests that a successful article often has the following features.<br /><br />
1) One main point or message, and at most 3 sub-points<br /><br />
2) A title that is likely to attract the interest of the readers<br /><br />
3) A ‘grab’ – something like a question or a surprising statement in the first couple of sentences<br /><br />
that will make the reader want to read on.<br /><br />
4) A ‘pull-together’ ending (probably linking back to the ‘grab’)<br /><br />
5) Avoidance, where possible, of jargon. Where jargon can’t be avoided, it is explained for the<br /><br />
reader.<br /><br />
6) Metaphors or links to everyday things that people know about<br /><br />
7) A story-like structure that links the piece together<br /><br />
Bibliography<br /><br />
Your article should also be accompanied by a correctly presented bi bliography in the Harvard style. Information and materials about writing bibliographies and referencing for university assignments will be given in the relevant lectures and will be available on QM+.<br /><br />
Formatting and presentation<br /><br />
Please comply with the instructions below<br /><br />
? ThecompletedarticleshouldfitintoonesideofA4(ie.apageofa CS4fnmagazine)<br /><br />
? Font Arial 11 point<br /><br />
? Single spaced<br /><br />
? It should include your name and student number as well as the title of the article<br /><br />
? The bibliography should appear on a separate page to the article itself<br /><br />
ECS402U Professional and Research Themes<br /><br />
Marking<br /><br />
70% and above<br /><br />
An excellent article that might be considered for publication in cs4Fn, ee4fn or Audio!, with only fairly minor editorial changes. The writer appears to have followed closely the advice given by the magazines’ editor, Paul Curzon and conveys understanding and enthusiasm for an interesting or useful concept, idea or issue in the field of Computer Science or Electronic Engineering. The article presents the idea/issue is a way that is engaging to the intended reader. It uses techniques to grab and hold the reader’s attention and may make lively and appropriate us e of metaphor or everyday examples to help communicate. There is a sustained focus without rambling or repetition. The writing flows well, is grammatically fluent and is almost entirely free of errors in spelling and punctuation. Acorrectlypresentedbibliographyisincludedthatshowsevidencethatthereaderhas accessed a number of different sources in the writing of the article.<br />
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The scientific article should be written about the 3D User Interfaces. The file is attached (about 3D interfaces)