2x tutorial report Academic Essay

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2x tutorial report Academic Essay

1st page:
1st report
Reflection of Reading: (NOT summary)
Abelman, R and Atkin, D.J. 2002. “Audience Making” in the Televiewing Audience, (pp. 121-151) Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, INC

3-4 paragraphs with 6-8 sentences each. Reflection needs to be exploratory tentative and personal. Must include in text citation and 1 reference. Need 2 questions at the end for discussion

2nd page
2nd report
Reflection of Reading: (NOT summary)
Balnaves, M and Varan, D. 2002, Nov. Beyond Exposure: Interactive Television and the New Media Currency. Media international Australia, incorporating Culture and Policy

3-4 paragraphs with 6-8 sentences each. Reflection needs to be exploratory tentative and personal. Must include in text citation and 1 reference. Need 2 questions at the end for discussion

Both reports is NOT a summary but a report to invite our response in a musing questioning and probing way.
For eg.
This stood out because I hadn’t thought of this and explain further.

Don’t summarise. 90% should be own reflections

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions