Powers of Love and Relationships
May 16, 2020
Patient with HYPERTENSION Scenario.
May 16, 2020

2(BBC) or 3 (MMC)


Requirements for your final paper

€¢ It is suggested that you work in groups of 2(BBC) or 3 (MMC) on this project but you are free to do one on your own.

€¢ The paper should 5 typed pages, double spaced

€¢ You should let me know your topic by class on November 26th (BBC) or 27th (MMC) either in person or by email. The paper should consist of a thorough discussion of a topic of your choosing relating to any of the issues and problems covered in this course. Some possibilities are listed below but you are free to develop one of your own.

€¢ Each group or individual writing a paper will be expected to make a 5 to 10 minute presentation on your paper in class on its due date. The presentation will constitute part of your grade.

€¢ You can rely upon any of the readings, videos or speakers that have made up the class, but the paper also should reflect independent research on your part by citing at least three new sources.

€¢ At the beginning of the paper, you need to state what you going to discuss and why and then summarize your conclusion. You are expected to take a clear position on the issue you choose although you should also reflect its complexities by examining the arguments and evidence on both sides. In so doing you need to state why the balance points to the conclusion you chose.

€¢ As always, you will be graded on how well you support your conclusion with both the evidence and your own critical thinking.
Possible Topics
Do you believe some form of slavery will always exist? If yes, explain why and provide historical evidence. If not, how can we eradic ate it?