1. How did republicanism play out in the 1780s? Why is it said that the states were laboratories for republican principles and experiments? Explain.

Topic: Reality television shows are not a mirror image of real life, but rather a warped image of our perceived reality
October 1, 2020
The Socio-Historical Context of Multi-Cultural Education
October 1, 2020

1. How did republicanism play out in the 1780s? Why is it said that the states were laboratories for republican principles and experiments? Explain.

2.  Why was it so difficult to create a workable national government during the war against Britain?  What are the Articles of Confederation and how did their

framework provide for the national government?  Explain.  Why is issue of the role of the national government a controversial one that recurs in U.S. history, even to

this day?

3.  What are the western lands and why was this issue so important for the U.S. and its Confederation government in the 1780s?  What was probably the single most

important accomplishment of the government regarding these lands?  Explain and discuss.

4.  Who were the nationalists in the 1780s and why were they critical of the Articles of Confederation and the seemingly unstable 1780s?  What triggered the call

for a convention to rework the Articles?  Explain and discuss.

5.  What is the framework of the Constitution?  What compromises were accepted to get passage of this new system?  Explain.  Who were the anti-federalists and who

were the federalists?  Explain why they opposed each other.  (Hint:  Don’t confuse the federalists with the Federalist Party).  Who is Publius and what important

document flowed from Publius?  What additional protections had to be added to get the final passage of the Constitution?

6. Why is the election of 1800 important? How did Jefferson’s Republican Party fit into the emerging two-party system in the United States? What did Jefferson do

as president and what kinds of reforms were instituted? What criticisms existed of Jefferson and his party? Why are politics so rough and tumble in this period? What

impact did the end of the import of slaves have?  Discuss.

7.  What role did foreign affairs (including with Indian tribes) play in the period 1783 to 1815? Provide examples and explain their importance. How did British-

French rivalry affect the new nation? What is the Embargo and what impact did it have on the U.S.? What are the Barbary Pirates and what response did Jefferson pursue

against them? Explain.

8. Why has one historian called George Washington the “indispensable man”?  Explain.  What did Alexander Hamilton hope to accomplish through his financial and

economic programs?  Explain what these were and how they were to impact the country.  Why did the Hamiltonian program generate so much hostility and opposition?  How

did this contribute to the development of political parties?  Explain.

9. The Federalist Period (the Washington and Adams’s administrations) was concurrent with the events and wars of the French Revolution period?  What impact did

this revolution have on the United States?  What did the Americans attempt to do during the 1790s vis-a-vis France and Great Britain?  Explain.  How did Washington’s

Farewell Address contribute to the debates on policies?

10.  How did the national government grapple with popular culture, opposition, and popular fervor during this period?  What impact did journalism, attachments to

foreign nations, partisan politics, and wartime fears have on policies and the development of parties?  Explain.  Why is the election of 1800 important?  Explain.

11.  What is the Jeffersonian vision? Explain. How did Thomas Jefferson represent this vision? Why is it said this is the Age of Jefferson (to 1815)? What were the

limits of republicanism and equality?

12. What is the War of 1812? Why did it occur? Who were the War Hawks and why did they push for war? Why didn’t the U.S. go to war with Napoleon’s France? What did

the war accomplish? What did it fail to accomplish? Who is Andrew Jackson and why is New Orleans so important to him and to the U.S.? What were the results of the war?


13. After answering one of the questions noted above, are there any issues or points you think are important to raise and discuss about this period?  Post and
