Youth homelessness in Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand Academic Essay

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Youth homelessness in Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand Academic Essay

Work-In-Progress Presentation

Building on the Scoping Paper, the Work-In-Progress Presentation is designed to help you organised your ideas and get feedback on your work to date preparing the Discussion Paper. This task will require you to deliver a 10-minute presentation and then lead discussion for a further 5 to 10 minutes It provides an opportunity to share your understanding of the policy issue you have selected and present your comparative analysis, as well as get valuable feedback from your colleagues.

The presentation should give a clear overview of the policy environment in Australia, identify major issues and explain how the comparative analysis will be undertaken to allow key areas of reform to be identified. You are welcome to use PowerPoint or other supported presentation aids (such as handouts). You are encouraged to facilitate discussion, but do not feel that you have to have all the answers. You might like to bring along a couple of questions for the audience to garner feedback about particular aspects of your approach as well as taking questions from the floor.

You will need to submit a one-page summary of your presentation, along with any materials or files you use (such as a powerpoint). These materials need to be submitted online via Turnitin directly after your presentation.

N.B. It is important that you select the same policy issue for the Scoping Paper, Work-In-Progress Presentation, and Discussion Paper.

I chose subject and i already done first research Scoping Paper for ( youth homelessness in Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand)
Now please focus on the presentation, which is very, very important and don’t want any mistakes

focus about 3 points:
1- clear overview of the policy environment in Australia,United Kingdom and New Zealand
2- identify major issues and explain how the comparative analysis
3- will be undertaken to allow key areas of reform to be identified

I want to Definition of then the figures and statistics then Australia policies , United Kingdom policies and New Zealand policies in each separate segment and the reasons for the issue and give the three questions with the answer and references and I want to understand the issue and be clear and easy words when i talk. don’t need words difficult please

i need 2 file send 1- file power point and 2- file word
i want word for me note
Please focus I am old customer and I want attention in this presentation and focus
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Posted on May 22, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions