You are the corrections commissioner in the State of Euphoria. The Office of Probation, Parole and Correctional Alternatives has just been merged into

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You are the corrections commissioner in the State of Euphoria. The Office of Probation, Parole and Correctional Alternatives has just been merged into

You must use 4 sources. 1 sources must be Chapters 10 and 11 in the Champion text, Probation, Parole and Community Corrections.

You are the corrections commissioner in the State of Euphoria. The Office of Probation, Parole and Correctional Alternatives has just been merged into your department. The office has never had any qualifications or required training for the POs that it hires. You suspect that political patronage has traditionally been the key to getting these jobs. What should be the qualifications for such jobs, keeping in mind what you have learned about the kinds of programs they might be working with? What should you, as the corrections commissioner, do to encourage the recruitment of quality officers? Should POs get the same training as your corrections officers? Keeping in mind the roles that they play and the kinds of functions they serve, what should their training include? What can be done to make these jobs appeal to qualified individuals and to ensure that they perform their jobs effectively and ethically?