You are the Chief of the District Attorney’s Investigation Team for a major metropolitan area. You budget recently allowed you to hire 16 new investigators that will be sprinkled throughout your department. While the new personnel are a blessing you realize that they have had little time as investigators and you are concerned that they be properly trained in issues of the exclusionary rule to avoid problems later on during investigations. This is a political hot potato because these are supposed to be the best investigators in the jurisdiction. Your goal is to develop a 10-12 page white paper that outlines concerns for Exclusionary Rule issues.
In a white paper of 10 pages to the newly assigned investigators for the District Attorney’s Investigation Squad please include responses to the bulleted issues listed below. There are a number of evidence related resources that are not found in academic journals that may be utilized as references in this assignment. It is critical that when you make a statement of fact in your presentation that you cite the reference you obtained the information from in the text of the paper and that the reference is included in your reference page. As always your paper will be submitted in the APA format current edition. No abstract is required as this is a short position paper but a title page, reference page, and appropriate running header with page numbers are necessary.