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Writing about Peoms

Writing about Peoms
Paper instructions:
1. Select 5 poems that would be suitable for a particular occasion, experience, or feeling:ie Valentine’s Day, a wedding, the birth of a new child, the loss of a loved one, a time for celebration, moving to a new place, etc€¦ ( done)

The poems should meet the following criteria:

a. All of the poets should be in the textbook. (done)

– O mother land, Dear motherland €“1979 (originally is a Chinese poet).
– I wonder Lonely as a cloud by William wordworth. 1807
– When I consider how my light is spent. ca.1655
– An Iraqi Evening. 1992 by yousif al-Sa’igh
– Harlem. 1951 by harlem renaissance.

(text is in the attachment)

2. For each poem, write a TPCASTT analysis (see guidelines)

{do not write the analysis, instead use the steps for writting the paper }

3. Find 5 critical articles that will enlighten your understanding of the poems (they can be about the poem, the poet, the style of poetry, the time period when the poem was written, or the particular event that you selected as your focus.

6. Write a draft of your paper.
{create a research question}

7. Revise your paper

8. Submit your paper with your TPCASTTS, copies of the pages you used for notes from articles, and the first draft in a clasp envelope, so all materials stay together.