writer’s choice. Academic Essay

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writer’s choice. Academic Essay

Research project proposal. Instructions.

Kindly pick 2 or 3 topics of choice and get back to me with the topics so I can select one, meanwhile one of your topics can be of an issue related to West Africa.

The task entails writing up a detailed, professional research proposal of 6 to 8 pages (12 point font, 1 ½ spacing). Write concisely and with clarity. The individual items include:

•The identification of a problem and/or a central research question that the project will pursue
•Review of relevant literature and identification of a lacuna that your project will fill – how does your project make an original contribution to the scholarship
•Aims (what the project strives to discover/establish/refute) contextualized against a background
•The method/s to be used and justification why it/they are appropriate
•Organization of the project (e.g. what will be done where, chapter outline, etc)
•Logistical and/or budgetary issues (e.g. travel requirements, special equipment, translation costs)
•A schedule/plan
•A bibliography of works cited. Use the Harvard method.

Note: The Research proposal must be related to International relations or Politics. And you should know number of sources/references that will be suitable for the proposal that’s why I didn’t choose.

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Posted on May 18, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions