Writers choice Academic Essay

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Writers choice Academic Essay

You are a supervisor at a manufacturing plant and the manager comes to you with an idea. He tells you that the company is not currently doing anything with the scrap materials left over from the process and he says that he knows someone who will buy the scrap at a price. He suggests that you surreptitiously build a relationship with the dealer and find a way to again surreptitiously secret the material away to your house or another holding area. He suggests that the profit from selling the material can be divided evenly among you and the manager. He says that the enterprise can end up meaning more money on a yearly basis that possibly both of you make at the plant. He says that once the material is thrown away it is legally really no longer the company’s material so you will not be breaking any laws.

Please research the ethical philosophical systems of teleology and deontology. After you have done so please briefly explain each ethical approach. Also please explain what you would do if you approached the situation teleologically, then explain what you would do if you approached the situation deontologically. Finally explain what you would actually do in this situation and why, is it a teleological or deontological approach?

Please write a one page essay (APA format) and submit it by the deadline.

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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions