Write an essay on the impact of technology on healthcare and its advantages.

advantages and disadvantages of local control and educational bureaucracies
August 9, 2020
Topic: evaluation of the distribution of carotid artery disease in rheumatoid arthritis using ultrsonography
August 9, 2020

Write an essay on the impact of technology on healthcare and its advantages.

In the synthesis essay, you will focus your research efforts in a particular area, perhaps as a response to what you found while writing the annotated bibliography. You will then conduct more research and synthesize your findings in this synthesis essay.
Please note that the annotated bibliography was the beginning, not the end, of your research. You might decide to disregard several of the articles you analyzed in the critical annotated bibliography because they dont speak to the specific area on which you have decided to write your synthesis essay. You might select one article that you analyzed in the critical annotated bibliography, look up the articles cited in that article, and snowball your research in that way.