Write a summary of an article drawn from an academic journal and dealing with a topic in COOPERATIVE Game theory.

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Write a summary of an article drawn from an academic journal and dealing with a topic in COOPERATIVE Game theory.

TASK: Write an approximately seven-hundred and fifty word, typed, summary of an article drawn from an academic journal and dealing with any topic in COOPERATIVE game theory. If it is helpful in explaining the paper, you may include, with proper accreditation, diagrams or tables based on the material presented in the text
Copies:IMPORTANT POINT THAT HAVE TO BE INCLUDED This article has to be from an academic journal.
This article has to be about COOPERATIVE GAME THEORY.
Explain what problem the paper addresses and why it matters
Explain what methodology is used, and, if appropriate, what data is used
Explain what the authors main conclusions are Give your own assessment of how significance, useful, readable, and well done the paper is Provide a list of FOUR references in the CJE format
Write an ABSTRACT of your review.
Write an appropriately graceful acknowledgement
Quality and clarityABSTRACT
An abstract tells the potential reader
(a) What issue your paper addresses,
(b) What methods you use
(c) What conclusions you derived.
(d) It often briefly relates the article to the literature and
(e) Explains why it is of interest.Here are a small collections of especially useful sources:
The Best Game Theory Books (Ive Read So Far) Free Stanford Courera online course
Game Theory E-Books for free online viewing and/or download
Open Yale Courses on Game Theory
A dictionary of Game Theory terms at the GameThe- ory.net
Links to lecture notes for BA courses in game theory and applied game theory.
Exams and courses at Game theory.net
Links to lecture notes for Economics courses in game theory and applied game theory.
A Chronology of Game theory.
Al Roths Game Theory and Experimental Economics Page