Write a report on the California High Speed Rail Project from the following perspectives:
• What is the origin of the project? Was it legislation or referendum or executive action?
• What was the perceived need? In other words, what purpose/s would the project serve when completed?
• Who are the stakeholders in the project? Be as inclusive as possible.
• Using the “strategic triangle” as an analytical tool, discuss the project’s viability. Remember to apply all the essential elements of the strategic triangle in your discussion. You may break down your discussion into short term and long term perspectives, as an option.
• Since the project is still ongoing, you may just forecast its success or failure based on your analysis instead of reporting on the historical record of project success or failure.
• Eight to ten pages in length, double-spaced, with at least one-inch right margin, with your name on every page, stapled on the upper left side, with citations.]