Write a 2-3 page report that provides an overview of the corporation where you are interested in starting a PMO.

Describe the preferred timing and objectives for your business plan.
August 6, 2020
Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication
August 6, 2020

Write a 2-3 page report that provides an overview of the corporation where you are interested in starting a PMO.

Choose an industry which best aligns with your future career aspirations as a project manager from the following list:
1.Information Systems
3.Accounting/Financial Services
4.ConstructionFirst decide on an industry. Then select a real corporation that is large enough to house a Project Management Office (PMO). Find the organizations mission, vision, and values statement. Also review the strategic plan of the organization. This can often be found in the annual report that corporations share with their shareholders and the general public online.Your assignment is to write a 2-3 page report that provides an overview of the corporation where you are interested in starting a PMO. You will need to define and explain the organizations mission, vision, and values as well as how they generate a profit or meet their goals. You will need to explain how the organization currently utilizes project managers, which can often be found by calling the human resources unit.