Write 56 pages in which you examine your own ways of learning something new, based on your research of at least three different types of theories of l

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Write 56 pages in which you examine your own ways of learning something new, based on your research of at least three different types of theories of l

OverviewWrite 56 pages in which you examine your own ways of learning something new, based on your research of at least three different types of theories of learning.In this assessment, you will be able to develop strategies based on learning theory to improve learning in a particular situation.Show MoreBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Use information technology and tools to identify information in the domain of learning and cognition. Summarize theories associated with learning and cognition. Competency 2: Assess the important theories, paradigms, research findings, and conclusions in human learning and cognition. Apply theories to a particular learning experience. Competency 4: Employ critical and creative thinking to problems, conflicts, and unresolved issues in the study of human learning and cognition. Develop strategies based on learning theory to improve learning in a particular situation. Competency 5: Apply knowledge of theory and research in learning and cognition to inform personal behavior, professional goals, and values, in order to understand social policy. Apply knowledge of theory and research in learning and cognition to inform personal and professional behavior. Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats. Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.