write 3 pages of paper on Tim Horton’s firm strategy, which consisting of 3 paragrahs:

“The Rocking Horse Winner
October 20, 2020
International Relations: U.S.A and China
October 20, 2020

write 3 pages of paper on Tim Horton’s firm strategy, which consisting of 3 paragrahs:

write 3 pages of paper on Tim Horton’s firm strategy, which consisting of 3 paragrahs:

1st paragraph: What is the strategy of the firm and describe which one or more of the 4 generic strategies (Low-cost provider; Differentiation on features; Focus on market niche; Best-cost provider) is/are implemented in this firm?;

2nd paragraph: What would you think is the reason leads to the firm’s sustainable competitive advantage?; (please give some financial info of the firm to support it, such as ROE or ROA)
3rd paragraph:Describe/and explain how well the firm’s strategy passes the 3 tests of a winning strategy (3 tests are: The Strategic Fit Test, The Competitive Advantage Test, and The Performance Test)