Worldviews and Approaches to Inquiry

Project Analysis
May 7, 2020
Brainstorming & Searching for Root Causes
May 7, 2020

Worldviews and Approaches to Inquiry

Worldviews and Approaches to Inquiry

Creswell?s four worldviews are postpositivism, constructivism, advocacy or participatory, and pragmatism. Considering an issue or problem that you might want to study, focus your discussion on the four worldviews, along with

the associated strategies of inquiry. Rely on the figures and tables that Creswell uses to explain his model.

Focus your discussion on the following:
?How might that issue or problem be investigated differently using each of those worldviews?
?Explain how this view could be used in designing a study for your selected issue, basing your analysis on the discussion in Arbnor and Bjerke, chapter 1.
?Speculate whether this study might be quantitative, qua