World War II is often characterized as the good war (755). Explain why that is the case, with reference to specific things that occurred during the wa

Promotion & Public Relations
July 26, 2020
Personality Assessment of Jaylene Smith
July 26, 2020

World War II is often characterized as the good war (755). Explain why that is the case, with reference to specific things that occurred during the wa

World War II is often characterized as the good war (755). Explain why that is the case, with reference to specific things that occurred during the war or that occurred because of the war. Also, explain how for many people, the war represented opportunity and the end of the Depression. On others, it left lasting scars (735). Also, explain how World War II altered patterns of work, leisure, education, and family life; caused a massive migration of people; created jobs, and changed lifestyles (740). Finally, explain why the characterization of World War II as a good war reflects the historical context of who is making the claim. In other words, explain what this suggests about the views of those who state this about the war, how this reflects the social and cultural environment in which they are saying it, and how the war might be viewed differently.