Working towards better customer service delivery to increase sales
Service delivery to customers is a paramount item in any business venture if it is to realize major profit margins. The service industry such as the airline business and the ICT sector has a major role to play in making their customers satisfied. This, in turn makes the customers comfortable with the products the company is offering (Rebecca 1996). This ensures that the company does not lose the vital customer loyalty and monies. Different circumstances force businesses to do a need assessment (Roger et al 1979). An example of this is a situation of reduced sales by volume of any company. This would require a fast and effective needs assessment and implementation of such ideas identified.
An analysis of the operational, individual, unconscious, performance and conscious needs are analyzed against the organisational and individual needs of the company and objectivity. This is important in identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as helping companies reallocate resources appropriately.
The past six months have witnessed reduced sales amounting to about twenty percent loss of customers compared to such a time last year. This assessment is meant to identify the causes of such losses being witnessed in the company. The assessment is meant to determine the factors responsible for the sudden loss in clientele attributed to the sharp loss in sales volumes.
A survey will be conducted among the existing customers, former customers and employees. This will be done through issuing questionnaires and assessment forms at the end of any service (Alison 1987). These questions will include an assessment of service delivered to them as well as including a remarks section. The employees will undergo interviews at the human resource department to determine their performance capability and get their view on the subject matter.
Information collected will be tabulated to factor in all areas that were being scrutinized. This information will be passed on to the management to assist in decision making and planning. All interested groups will be included in the study. Included in this research are the customers, employees and management.
Rebecca R. (1996). Needs assessment: a creative and practical guide for social scientists. Taylor & Francis.
Allison R. (1987). Training needs assessment. Educational Technology.
Roger A. et al (1979). Needs assessment: concept and application. Educational Technology.