Case Analysis REPORT
May 6, 2020
Changing the Capital Structure
May 7, 2020

Womens studies

Womens studies

Create a feminist superhero and write up an ?episode? of her adventures
Your feminist superhero must have a ?mentor? or guru (from whom she seeks advice)
who is a key feminist theorist.Choose from Judith Butler, Ir is Marion Young, Luce Irigaray, or another feminist theorist whose work addresses embodiment (Donna Haraway, Moira Gatens, Elizabeth Grosz, Karen Barad, Adrienne Rich, or another check with me if you want to use the work of any other theorist.)Your feminist superhero?s mission must involve dismantling, challenging or alleviating the effects of one or more gendered dualisms
(such as culture/nature; mind/body; transcendence/immanence;looking/looked at;subject/object, etc.).
These might be evident in a small, ?everyday? challenge faced by an individual, right
through to a catastrophically villainous plan affecting large numbers of women
Begin, by explaining your superhero?s powers and how she came by them. (Spiderman?s powers
came from being bitten by a radioactive spider.)
You might consider whether your superhero has an arch-enemy
(like the Joker is to Batman), or whether there is some substance or person who can nullify her superpowers (like kryptonite to Superman).

determine what powers your superhero needs once you?ve got her responding to the crisis.)
Consider what kind of scenario, or crisis, would cause your superhero?s intervention.
In what aspects of our lives do we need the intervention of a feminist superhero?

sider what kind of advice your superhero?s mentor might offer her about how to intervene and prevent or solve the crisis.(Again, you might want to work backwards in figuring this out.) Put words in the mentor?s mouth;quote/paraphrase what she might say to your superhero.Consider how
this advice works out for your superhero, and whether it does solve the problem or not. Does yoursuperhero change things once and for all, or will she be required to intervene again and again?

What does thesuperhero?s mentor say about whether the mission/intervention was successful or not?You can present your feminist superhero in any number of formats. It will probably be
easiest to write up as a film Super hero mentor will be Susan Bordo, she focuses on weight. my main super hero could maybe have the power to reverse how men and women typically think about their bodies relative to food, and make women see themselves as wanting to be strong, big and powerful. and maybe men want to be slim and sexy. imagine the billboards, imagine if diet food ads were all about men in bathing suits.