women and social movements discussion

Dissertation Prospectus
August 31, 2020
Having difficult time finding a response to the following:
August 31, 2020

women and social movements discussion

Each week, I will post a set of discussion prompts/questions related to the week’s topic. Each
discussion will have three components. To receive full credit, you will need to (1) respond directly
to at least one of the questions I pose, drawing on specific examples and details from the week’s
readings to illustrate your point. You are required to post this initial response Thursday before 12-
Noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST). (2) You then must respond to at least two other students’
initial posts each week by Friday before 12-Noon, EST; (3) and respond to at least two of those
who responded to your initial response by Saturday before 10 AM, EST. Secondary responses
CANNOT be single word responses like yeah” or I agree” you must explain why you agree or
