Women and modern movement
Paper instructions:
For your initial post, you will need to come up with two discussion questions, one for this week and one for the course as a whole. A good discussion question is -ended and draws on material from most, if not all, of the assigned readings; it does not have a single correct answer, but asks those answering it to grapple with the material and come up with an argument based on examples from the texts. Your questions must be sensitive to the historical context and must address a historical or historiographical theme.
For your secondary response post, you will need to answer one of your colleagues question sets. Please see the discussion forum in this week’s folder for more detailed instructions and due dates.
Notes from the Field: A Roundtable: Local Coalitions. Global Partners: The Women’s Peace
Movement in Israel and Beyond
Authortsl: Gila Svirsky
Source: Signs. Vol. 29. No. 2, Development Cultures: New Environments. New Realities, New
Strategies<breal-:></break>Speeial Issue Editors<break></break>Frangoise Lionnet. Obioma
Nnaemeka. Susan H. Perry. Celeste Sehenek (Winter 2004). pp. 543-550
Published by: The Unrver’slt_v of Chicago Press
Stable URL: http:09m.v’.)stur.ur;;ust.1blcv I ll. 1 llh(.»5.7.K5 70
Accessed: 22/06/2014 15:26
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